BarConic Shooter Glass 2.5 oz - CASE OF 72

BarConic Shooter Glass 2.5 oz - CASE OF 72


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  • Regular price $71.28 Sale price $27.35
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  • Save $43.93
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The ideal shooter glass for mixed shots, layered shots and any place you need a good mid size shot/shooter glass The 2.5 ounce Barconic® shooter is a good addition to your glassware collection. Large enough to serve doubles neat but still small enough to fit into pint glasses for bombs. Made of the same high quality glass material that bars and restaurants have come to enjoy at a considerable savings over Libbey, Anchor Hawking and other brands. Dishwasher safe and packed 72 shot glasses to a case. 
*This glass measures approx. 2.95 oz. / 87 ml. when filled to the RIM

Glass Dimensions:
Height: 2.5 inches
Top Diameter: 2 inches
Bottom Diameter: 1.75 inches 

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